Tuesday 31 May 2016

final video. there are still some things I'd like to do like make the type better and some of the audio, but I'm okay with where it is now (and really have to work on other assignments)

edit: okay after presentation I made some of the font size differences more obvious and changed a transition or two.

Saturday 28 May 2016

I have animated all the text. added the birds flying at the start that fredy made. I also did some minor bits of animation of the gannets and plastic bits with the mesh distortion tool - to make them move a bit more smoothly and like they're more alive? eg the neck bending forward when it's feeding the baby, and feathers moving a bit.

some of the text animation needs more work - especially the last few sentences [over one million -- four times as much] i think it should be less animated - or all lines as much maybe. it's hard to focus on that and the map with rubbish at the same time (although the speeding up of rubbish at the end brings focus to that part then, which is important.
I also lined up the text more so that it's consistent throughout the video - but also so each individual part looks good too. there are two different margin widths, one half of the other, and I tried to line up certain lines or have things in the same place. I also used three font sizes - 130, 150 and 180. 

I still need to move some bits back or forth slightly so they fit with the music plinky sounds, and also add some more sound effects for the text and other bits. the audio preview on after effects isn't working for me at the moment so it's hard to do that - I can only hear the music when I render it.

updated video. Added the correct font, but still need to animate most of it and place it better? I also added the graph part and fixed some timing in the diving part. It's still too fast in places though....the after effects preview doesn't play at the right speed for some reason? also something happened to the layer of sand that the birds in nests are sitting on which I only just realised.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

progress on video. I sped up the music which makes it work better, but there are still parts that are too fast. added all the pre-compositions that fredy made, and more sound - some of which also need to be louder/quieter. and there are a few things I haven't added yet. and the text is still placeholder.